Green Mary’s Sonoma County Greening Team
Greening • Waste Diversion • Composting • Recycling
Events • Festivals • Conferences • Restaurants • Offices
Keeping it Real, Keeping it Green
In 2002 Mary was at the Health and Harmony Festival in Sonoma County as the volunteer coordinator when she heard environmental activist Julia Butterfly-Hill fervently address the disconnect between putting on progressive festivals and the careless generating of waste. “It’s not enough to listen to cool speakers and espouse progressive values if you’re wreaking havoc on Mother Earth, your hostess,” was her anti-trashy message in a nutshell. “I won’t be back until this event is GREENED,” she said in regards to the festival.
Mary left the gathering with a longing to do more, and left the position of coordinator to start her own business and the Green Mary events greening business was born. The business started with the greening of one event the following year in 2003 and has grown to where Green Mary and their event waste-diversion and greening servies have managed the greening of over 250 event dates in 2016 alone. And she still LOVES her work, the people she gets to work with, and often lies awake at night devising ways to do more and do better.
Born in New York City, Mary Munat moved to Alameda from New Hampshire in 1987. A soldier in the US Army Reserves then, she worked part-time as an Army journalist, as a car salesperson and costumed balloon deliveries, too.
Mary dreams of the day that “greening services” become obsolete as changes on every level of society embrace waste-free events!
In her spare time, she’s an avid skier, a foster mom to shelter dogs, a big-time reader and meditator who loves napping, talking anti-trash, watching movies, working out, eating and time with friends.